Natural Beauty Products - An Alternative For Your Skin
Most women will pick up women's magazines and avidly read the beauty pages and reviews of new beauty products. These magazines will tell you what the latest anti-wrinkle cream or what new moisturiser you must buy. Most beauty journalists are sent free sample of the latest products for publicity purposes. The beauty journalists will then rave on about how good a certain product is in their beauty column. What they are really telling you is what the big companies want to sell you. Not whether these beauty products are really any good or going to work for you. What you will never be told is what is really in these beauty products. A lot of the sophisticated anti-ageing formulas claim to have unique ingredients in them. But really there is little difference between them. Many of them contain ingredients that can actually damage your skin and have serious health implications over long term. A lot of the beauty products on the market today contain skin irritants such as strong perfumes a...